Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Guest Post: Huggies Potty Dance Party

Amy and I hosted a house party over the weekend featuring Huggies’ Pull-Ups and their new “Potty Dance” song designed to motivate toddlers into ditching the diaper. Amy and I planned this party without knowing for sure what to expect in our package from Huggies. We decided we would play the video and have a boy potty (from her boys) and a girl potty (for my girl) along with some stuffed animals and extra pull-ups to get everyone more comfortable with the idea of using the potty. We offered snacks (of course) as well as plenty of toys because we all know how long the attention span of a two-year-old is! Amy volunteered her home, and we were set.

I was excited for this party because my daughter, who is about 2 ½ years old, likes diapers, not Pull-Ups. I bought pull-ups for her in the past and she wanted to wear Mickey or Pooh Bear, which are on diapers. Pull-Ups have princesses, and I guess the princesses don’t make the cut to be seen on her rear. I was hopeful that this package we were to receive and the party would show us the way to underwear.

The package arrived about 5 days before the party. Upon opening, I was thrilled to find coupons (because we all LOVE coupons,) and the rest was a bit confusing. There were 7 DVDs that did NOT have the Potty Dance video, 15 plastic mats that were supposed to be instructions for toddlers on how to do the dance, and a nice gift to the hostess to say thank you. I was a little disappointed, but I am trying to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

Despite the lack-luster party package, we made the most of it. We cut up a plastic mat and hung the pieces up to decorate the house. (By we, that was mostly Amy. Amy even made an apron out of a mat!) We watched our kids devour grapes, apples, and cheese, and we played the song from a laptop once or twice. The kids played with the potties a bit, and the moms chatted away. 

I honestly didn’t think my little girl took anything from the party until we got home, and the diaper refusal began. Then, out of nowhere, my four-year-old son started singing the Potty Dance song he’d only heard a few times!? I was amazed; it worked. She has shown more interest in going potty, and I am hopeful that I will soon have a little girl in panties! Maybe it was backmasking or something, but that song convinced my two-year-old that diapers are passé! Thank you, Huggies! Thank you, Potty Dance!

Thanks Celia for your post! 

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